Category: Challenge Nutt

Half the game plan, half the effort Right?

So the day after Bournemouth Marathon I enter for Stroud Half Marathon. Only 13.1Miles so a walk in the park really? Well my split time on the marathon was 2:16 so being easier surly I could run that quicker? I had a bit of a crazy idea that I put to my coach of going

Bournemouth Marathon, Done!

That’s all folks! Run Nutt Boy ran and Won! Yes I won as my aim was to complete the course which I did and I’m happy that its done 🙂 The only person you’re competing against is yourself My Race Stat’s Race Number: 6605 Full Time: 05:05:46 Split 1 [Half]: 02:16:10 Overall Finish Position: 1691 of 3001 So

The Final Countdown, Game Time Baby!

So in about 15 hrs I’m going to be starting the first ever marathon of my life. 26 miles between me and the finish, not going to be easy but I have to do it. Just had my Mum, Sister and Niece turn up, really hope they don’t keep me up, but its great to

9 Days…

So Tuesday I was out on a short 8 miler and took one of the SIS Go Gel’s with me. It was a good run and enjoyable. The Gel worked well. Last night [Thursday] I hit the tarmac again and this time was out for 16 miler. This was hard, I completed it but It

2 Weeks 2 Go!

So 2 Weeks 2 go before its marathon time on the 6th October 10am and this shit just got real! I am currently running half marathon distance in an evening and managing this ok. My concern now is can I double this on the day? I have seen the route and run alot of it

Run Nutt Boy Run!

So many of you will know that I have been silly enough to finally go through with the idea of running a marathon. Well its been a while since I did anything silly, well apart from that one time… anyway! 6th October is the target date. Bournemouth brand new full 26 mile marathon is the

3 Peaks Personal Review and Thoughts

Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike, Snowdon, 3 Peaks Done! So what did I learn? Weather is a key player in how good the experience is. Plan for road conditions Walking at night? Sleep? Food intake. What’s next? So Our Stats for the 3 Peaks were: Ben Nevis – 5hrs, 14km, 1326m gain, started 2am finished 7am. Scafell

3 Guys, 3 Peaks, 1 Lucky Tammy

So Im sat in the back of the Tam car on way to Scotland. Finally on our way to do the 3 peaks 😀 Our awesome and quite nutty driver: Tammy Bell Runners: Lewis Dangermouse, G I ‘PJ’ Jones and Me! So our preparation for this…… ummm not a lot if were honest. The National Three Peaks

Google Olympics Part Deux

Oh Google another day another doodle and this time basketball and this is just as addictive i’ve managed 39 🙁 but still a colleague scored 45!

RYLA, RYLA [Rotary Youth Leadership Award]

Firstly I have to say, “Thank you” to all the friends I have made from the course, also to “positive” Jack and his team and a special thanks to Justin and Pa our instructors for the week. So prior to the week what did I expect? Well I chatted with a couple of friends who

Three Peaks Challenge – No Really I’m doing it!

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Ok so I’m actually going to do this. I’m very much looking forward to it and have decided to do it with The Meningitis Trust. So 11th May this Year I’ll actually do it, should be lots of fun, just have a few things to sort before then including; Get abit fitter and been