It never rains but it Singa-Pores

Firstly to catch up from last night at the airport. You have to fill out a landing card so I duly did so, apart from the part that says location during stay, uhhhh ‘Chris’s Pad’ don’t think counts. So when the immigration offer said ‘where are you staying’ I don’t think she was impressed with the fact i didn’t know where Chris lives or the fact I didn’t have his phone number. The response of I Skype him cus its free and I don’t want to pay phone charges from the UK to Singapore seemed to confuse her. But after providing my phone number she seemed happy enough to let me in.

Well after my £480 windfall I said to Chris we could get a taxi rather than the MRT [underground] which was about $28 and 30 minute trip. This compared to the MRT which would have been about 2 changes and 1 hour but only about $4.50, meh!

So Today! 17th October day 1 Singapore. Not guna lie it was a hot night and woke up 08:30 as Chris was of to uni this morning. Well I decided I would get some more sleep and slept till 11:45. Shower and went to meet Chris. We then headed of to Chinatown to get some lunch/Breakfast. Had a wander around before we had some grub. After noodles and pork we wandered around more of Chinatown and looked around a Hindu temple and Chinese Temple. There were 100 buddha’s status and both temples were very colourfully decorated.

Later we got back on the MRT and headed to Esplanade. Here we walked through a big shopping centre. It seems Singapore is just Business and shopping centres, its a good job I’m meeting a certain someone in NZ and not here as I think my free 11Kg would be used up 😉 .

So here we got outside and the sky was looking menacing and Chris said a storm was on the way and that we shouldn’t stray far from cover. We walked around the bay area to look at some of the expensive buildings and hotels before the heavens opened. Singapore might not class itself  as being in the tropics but well its rain is most certainly tropical, the way it thundered down you would haven been soaked in seconds, luckily we made cover just in time could look over the bay area at people running for cover. After it stopped after around 15 minutes later we wandered around the rest of the bay to take some silly pictures with a status that was throwing water out its mouth. We then headed for the MRT to go back home.

We got to the stop for the uni and then Chris’s dad [in Singapore on Business] called him and said did we want to meet for dinner, so back on the MRT to get to his place. After a wander along as street of restaurants we settled for going back to his hotel for an all you can eat buffet at $30 pp. This is quite different to the $2 lunch we had earlier in Chinatown. Still all you can eat, we didn’t say no and made the most of it with lots of food from all around the world followed by desert, well ice cream and all you can eat is a bad combination, needless to say I don’t think I’ll need breakfast.

Taxi back as Chris had a meeting and I’m chilling, not sure that’s the right word more baking, writing this up. To be fair I’m slowly getting used to the heat, I think!

Anyway Some pics from the first day!