Raspberry Pi / Lego Time

The Pi to Eat beat all Pi’s. Well if you haven’t heard about the Raspberry Pi Project that’s grown out of Cambridge then get over to http://www.raspberrypi.org/. These guys have created the cheapest computer I have ever bought. I’m not going to explain to much on the Pi as you probably already know about it or can go to the FAQ’s [http://www.raspberrypi.org/faqs]to get a better explanation that I could ever give. So this picture show, just like every other Pi, what mine started like.

4 hours with Lego and this is what happen to it 🙂 yes its now Nasa control with arrows to point to all connections on the board. The design includes a window to allow visual of the LED’s that are in operation. The top also lifts open to allow easy to see access to the board inside and it looks cool! [ok yes I turned 8 again] So its built and running but what to get on the SD to run as my OS? Well with some help from @CBindahouse then I got Raspberry XBMC running on it http://www.raspbmc.com/ this is an awesome little media centre that will happily stream anything on the screen and has as shown below a cool little Weather App. The final little ‘Pièce de résistance’ is that there is a remote iPhone and Android App to control the software over the network 🙂 So if you have a Pi go check it out now! One thing we have found out it that the Pi massively benefits from higher Class SD cards so get on ebuyer or your preferred supplier and get a Class 10 SD for your Pi you will notice the difference. Have you got a cool build for your Pi please let me know I’m interested to see what’s out there. But if your not up for making your own then you can get cases from https://www.modmypi.com/shop/raspberry-pi-cases OR the Lego version http://www.thedailybrick.co.uk/lego-sets/custom/lego-custom-raspberry-pi-case.html [designed by a scout :)] EDIT: just go to http://elinux.org/RPi_Cases – lots of cases here! Raspberry BMC running Full HD on 27″ Screen 🙂

Links: http://www.raspbmc.com/ http://www.raspberrypi.org/faqs