Final Week, What a week…
So my final week in the UK, soon it will be Monday and ill be flying off to see Chris. I have finally booked up OZ and also sorted insurance. I’ll be honest I’m pretty nervous now, always happens before I travel, but I know its guna be awesome. Maybe its all the people that keep giving the
Your going on your own! Your brave :S line
So I have had an awesome week chilling and working hard on Brownsea Island. I truly love Brownsea it has a magical pull and unspoilt beauty, especially in the evenings when the muggles have left and you can wander the island and admire the wildlife and go down to pottery pier to watch the sunset, Ill never get bored of doing that. Apart from all that we were there to get a job done and we made some awesome progress clearing the problem solving area and starting from scratch. The place looks 100 X better already and we haven’t finished yet. I cant wait to get back to see the progress that biyst will have made. It was a funny weekend with my first time in a caravan [one I don’t wish to repeat, Camping FTW (For The Win, for those not down with the kids :P)] along with reading Scouting for Boys which had everyone in stitches, Uno, cheat and much more.
So there’s not a lot left to do except, pack, enjoy this evening, enjoy the party tomorrow night and Foxtrot Oscar Monday.